Heta Stoves
We are very excited to announce the arrival of the incredible Heta stove brand to this quiet corner of Gorllewin Cymru. More information to follow, but what I can say in the meantime is:
Heta stoves are designed and built in Denmark. They are exceptionally efficient and clean-burning and are amongst the best stoves you’ll find anywhere – if not the best in this class.
The Heta Inspire was a game-changer just a few years ago and has been referred to as the Apple and Netflix of the stove world. It has won the best overall stove ever built in independent reviews, running on as little as 2 logs all night.
Heta manufacture stunning contemporary stoves as well as an 87% efficient boiler unit that is also in the contemporary range. Heta stoves ooze quality, usability and efficiency; they really are extremely well-designed and built to last.
We at Pembrokeshire Stoves are ever so happy now that we have added both Clock and Heta to our existing range of Dean Forge, Saltfire, Mendip, Burley etc. We can safely say that we can provide some of the absolute best in class stoves money can buy and they won’t break the bank either – an extremely happy shop-owner, but most importantly properly satisfied customers.